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The Annual Convocation Convention

The Annual Convocation Convention

Information for the Hybrid 2023 Annual Convention: Online or in Wiesbaden, Germany 

To download the Whova App or access Whova on a web browser for Convention (required for all voting delegates and clergy, strongly recommended for all attendees) please click the following: Whova App Access/Downloads

Dates at a Glance:

Location at a Glance:

Wilhelm Kempf Kaus [Conference Center]
Wilhelm-Kempf-Haus 1, 65207 Wiesbaden, Germany
located in Naurod/Niedernhausen, outside the Wiesbaden city center
Click here for Google Maps location/directions

To make a change to your registration status, please email

The Call to Convention was emailed to delegates, alternates, active and canonically resident clergy on Thursday, 13 July 2023.

Official 2023 Call to Convention (webpage)
Delegates' Packet (PDF)
Journal of the 2022 
Convention (PDF)
CECE Constitution and Canons 2021 (PDF)


A Call to Gather

Anyone and everyone is invited to attend the Festival of Gathering! Registration is €100, and will include access to all in-person sessions of the Festival as well as lunch on Friday and Saturday, and dinner on Friday. You may also register to participate virtually; the cost for virtual registration is €50. Recommendations for housing near the facility can be provided.


There is no need to register a second/separate time for the Festival. Your Festival tickets are included in the Convention package. Please share this opportunity and take a moment to personally invite folks you know from your local communities, especially those in and beyond your congregation! 

Click Here to Register Now for the Festival of Gathering on Whova

Register for Convention

Registration for the Convention has now closed. To make changes to your registration, please contact the Secretary of Convention and the Convention Planning Team via email at

A Call to Worship

For anyone interested in attending, from across the Convocation and the globe, Digital Ministries and the Convention Planning Committee cordially invite you to access and participate virtually in every open session. We particularly hope to see you for worship services and the Festival of Gathering sessions on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

All public sessions can be found in the Convention 2023 Playlist on our YouTube Channel. Click the link below to view every available session and recording, or subscribe for notifications when we begin to live-stream!

Click Here to Watch on YouTube



What is the Convocation Convention?

The Convention is an annual meeting to bring together representatives of all the parishes, missions, and affiliated communities of the Convocation. These representatives—both clergy and lay—make decisions and policy for all Episcopalians in the Convocation and, with the Bishop, help us to maintain our connection to the wider Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion, and beyond.

Who attends?

Each parish and each organized mission sends two elected delegates designated by their vestry or Bishop’s council. These delegates along with the four lay members of the Council of Advice and the canonically-resident clergy of the Convocation all have the right to vote. A representative from each of the Convocation's other mission congregations is also seated and accorded full voice in the business of the Convention. Guests and other participants, along with anyone interested in attending, are generally accorded voice.

When is it?

The Convocation Convention normally meets in the middle of October, from Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning Eucharist. The location of Convention rotates around the nine parishes, and occasionally other locations. The Call to Convention is usually sent out sometime in June.

What does it do?

The principal business of the Annual Convention is to address legislation and resolutions. The Convention receives reports from the Bishop and various committees and commissions, hears the financial report and votes on the budget.

Most Conventions include a program on a theme, with presentations and discussions. These often are designed to engage the participants in looking ahead, or in deepening and learning more about our mission and ministry, and may result in guidelines for the future.

Near the end of the Convocation Convention, the Assemblée générale of the Association 1901 of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, the French legal entity of the Convocation, convenes briefly to approve of newly elected Bureau (Council of Advice ) and the financial report.

 Above all, the Convention is a gathering of our community. It is a weekend of listening, learning, worship and prayer. Everyone in the Convocation, as well as friends from beyond the Episcopal Church, are welcome to attend any Annual Convention. 

How does it work? 

The Bishop is the President of Convention.

The Convention elects the Secretary of Convention who is responsible for keeping records of all actions of the Convention, and for assembling the annual Journal of the Annual Convention of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe. The Secretary records the resolutions considered by the Convocation Convention, including any votes and actions taken on those resolutions.

The Secretary is responsible for informing the Convention of resolutions adopted by the General Convention of The Episcopal Church which call for action on the part of the Convocation or of its leadership. The Secretary also transmits any resolutions directed to General Convention and the names of the people elected as Deputies and Alternates to GC.

Each Convention elects two clerical and two lay members of the Council of Advice, each for two-year terms. The Council is composed of four clerical and four lay members with half elected each year. A member may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Members of the Disciplinary Court are elected at Convention in staggered terms. Officers of Convention are also elected: Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Safeguarding Officer.

Once every three years, the Convention elects the four lay and four clergy deputies, plus up to four lay and four clergy alternates to represent the Convocation at the next General Convention, two calendar years before the next GC (see Episcopal Church Canon I.15). 

Every three years, the Convention also elects one lay and one clergy observer to the Synod of the Diocese in Europe of the Church of England for three-year terms. The Synod may also send two observers to the Convocation Convention. As guests, they are given seat and voice, but no vote.