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The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe

How do I join Lent Sur La Table?

02.09.22 | CECE Formation Programming, Lent Sur La Table 2022 | by Convocation Staff

How do I join Lent Sur La Table?

With a free Zoom account and an email address, you have all that you need for joining in our weekly program for Lent.

What You Can Do Today:

Click on this link to register through Zoom for any or all of our 6 Wednesdays in Lent (including Holy Week this year)

    1. Each event is unique, so you will need to register for each one out of the six you wish to attend.   
    2. You can register anew each week, or you can register once for as many as you plan to attend.
    3. The same registration link will remain active for the whole season, and the meeting link for each Wednesday will be unique to you.
    4. You may also wish to share your preference for the language(s) you feel comfortable using during group discussion. If you would like practice speaking in your second (or third) language, this might be a wonderful and grace-filled opportunity to try!

What You Can Do Each Wednesday:

Use the unique link that is emailed to you at the time of registration confirmation.

    1. The big Zoom room "doors" will open at 7:30pm every Wednesday to give everyone a chance to come in, get settled, and get connected on their own schedule. These first minutes are a great time to see faces of friends from across the Convocation and to use the chat feature to send greetings and messages of welcome.
    2. At 8:00pm, everyone will be moved into randomized breakout groups of 4-5 connections. We will make every effort to respect the language preference you express at time of registration.

Discussion questions will be shared around the theme for each week, but it is up to your group to decide how to address them. We hope you will use this time to share your thoughts, stories, and prayers in ways that can connect and strengthen our “virtual neighborhood” ties.

    1. You may want to choose one group member to keep notes of interesting stories or deeper questions that you think could be helpful to share widely. If you are willing, we would love to have "group photos" (screenshots) of your groups or soups, too!
    2. You may need to leave before 9pm — that’s okay. Please be considerate of the conversational flow as you make your Zoom entries and exits!
  1. At 8:50pm, everyone will receive a 10 minute notice so that closing prayers and reflections can begin. Your group may choose to share contact information with one another at this point.
  2. At 9:00pm, we say good night and end the meeting for the week from the small group room.
  3. If you have notes or comments, this is a great time to send them to  .



Frequently Anticipated Questions

  • What if something difficult happens during my breakout session?
    1. The Zoom facilitator (Meeting Host) is always present to help! Any participant in a breakout room can request that the meeting host join their meeting by clicking on the ? Ask for Help button.
  • What if I can’t come to one of the weeks?
        1. No problem! When you register, simply click to checkmark the days you plan to attend, and leave off any you won't be able to join. If you find that you can make it after all, simply go back to this registration link to register for that day separately.
  • What if I don’t like the soup idea one week? What if I don't want to eat on camera?
    1. No problem! Our suggestions are just for fun. Please feel free to enjoy any meal of your choice, or to join the conversation in the way that is most comfortable for you. We have been missing sharing a table with you!
  • Can I buy soup instead of making it from scratch?
    1. No problem! Support a local business if you're able. Our invitation and priority is for your presence, not for a performance! Relax, and enjoy being connected to the family of God in this season of expectation and preparation.