In the midst of all our memorials, in the midst of all our sorrow and fear, stands the itinerant preacher talking about a different kingdom—the kingdom of God. In the midst of all of our anxiety about the future is the one who strips himself down to a towel around his waist and washes the aching...
To the Beloved Community of the Convocation and our friends everywhere:
At our convention this past October, the assembled delegates responded to the report of our Task Force on Race, Reconciliation, and Beloved Community by adopting a Covenant for Dismantling Racism...
You might wonder why a church in Europe would have anything to say about what has been happening in America these past days.
In part, the answer to that question is simple; we are the European members of a church that has its origins, and its home, in America. We are the Episcopal...
Back in June, as the protests against police brutality against communities of color in the United States were echoed in Paris by large demonstrations demanding accountability for the death in police custody of Adama Traoré, the Convocation and the cathedral went in together on a large...
Since the pandemic began to reshape our lives in early March, we’ve tried to be in regular touch with all the people of the Convocation. And for the past two months now, we’ve put out a weekly message—providing information about on-line worship services and formation programs...